It is debatable on whether or not you really need a gym membership to get fit. A lot of people are intimidated by the idea of having to spend money to go and work out. Many people find that you can workout just fine at home, no membership required! In my fitness journey, I have done it both ways. I've worked out at home and I've worked out at the gym. For me personally, I have more motivation at the gym. I realize that is not the case for all people. Some people are don't like the gym because of all the people and are unsure of how to use all the equipment. They would rather workout in the comfort of their own homes. It is not very appealing to a lot of people to get up at 5 am and head out to a frozen vehicle and drive to the gym. It sounds much better to get up and workout in your nice and warm house. I understand that people are worried about going to the gym because they are uncomfortable with working out in public. ...