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Excuses for Not Starting/Adhering to a Lifestyle Change

Deciding to begin changing your lifestyle to reach your health and fitness goals is a challenging decision, and keeping it is even harder.  You've probably said to yourself, "I wish I had the time and motivation to workout healthily healthy".
I wish I "had" the time and motivation too; instead, I have to "make" time and dedicate myself to be motivated to go to the gym and eat healthily.
Many people will find a reason to sit on the couch and not eat properly. Not many people try to find a reason to workout healthily healthy.  We all know that obesity is a rampant problem here in North America but we all seem to not be willing to do anything about it. 
Here are the most common excuses and some "fixes" for them. 

1. "I don't have the time"
     This is the most common excuse and it is true, people are busy!  However, it's all about making your health a priority.  You have to look at your schedule and see where you can fit it in and actually PUT IT IN!
 Cooking meals at home take time but it can be made possible with meal preparation. Take a couple hours on a weekend and pre-cook and package up some meals to freeze for the week. 
Do you sit in the evening and watch tv? Do you sit on your phone on your lunch? Then you have time to do some sort of activity. A walk on your break or a run after work instead of tv can be worked in.
Take a look at what your schedule actually is and block time off for a workout and don't postpone it! Treat it like an important meeting that you cannot miss.  

2.  "I don't have the energy, I'm too tired"
   This would probably be the second most common reason as it correlates with #1.  People are so busy that they don't get enough sleep and are left feeling too tired as a result. In the evenings, some are so tired they can hardly eat dinner, let alone workout and make a homemade, healthy meal. Lethargy can also be due to a bad lifestyle. Eating like garbage makes you feel like garbage.  When we do not get proper nutrition, we feel tired and burnt out because our bodies aren't getting the nutrition it needs.
Working out gives your body a good boost of energy from endorphin's being released. A balanced diet of carbs, fats and proteins gives the energy needed to do those workouts. Before I started my fitness journey, I felt tired and lethargic; now I feel like I have more energy even though I am busier than I have ever been!  I sleep better at night and feel better in the mornings. 

3.  "I don't know how to eat healthily or how to change" 
      A lot of people aren't as willing to admit this one. There is so much misinformation out there on what is healthy and what is not; what is true and what is false.  Eating healthy doesn't have to be rocket science.  People are frightened by the idea of changing eating habits because they think they will have to starve or give up everything they like all at once! Not true.  Gradual changes to diet are best for lifelong goals.  If you normally eat fast food every meal, every day and you suddenly change to eating nothing but salads and chicken, are you going to stick to that?  No, why would you? 
It does take a serious commitment to change your eating habits but it can be done. Switching your full-fat latte every morning to a skim milk latte or even sugar-free can make a difference. Taking one granola bar out of your lunch and replacing it with oatmeal or a veggie bag can be done easily.  Too many changes too quickly will lead to failure. 
Remember, you can still have some treats, just in moderation. Go out once weekly for a treat meal, not 3-4 times weekly.  

4.  "I can't afford it"
     This one is tricky. With the not so great economy the past couple of years, money is tight with everyone. However, just because money is tight does not mean our health should suffer. You do not need a gym membership to workout. You can workout at home or go for a run in the park. You do not need to buy all fresh veggies, frozen veggies are just as great and keep a lot longer too. I spend less on groceries now than I did before I started my fitness journey. I buy my meat, eggs, yogurt and frozen veg at Costco which saves a bunch of money and we don't buy extra "goodies", just the basics. Do you smoke, drink or eat out a lot? Think of unnecessary things that your money is spent on that could be used in a better way! 
Think of it as an investment in YOU! The more you invest in your health now the better it will pay off later when you don't need to be on copious amounts of medication! 

5. "I've tried and failed"
     Then you didn't try hard enough! If you've tried before and it didn't work out, then all the more reason to try again. Maybe the diet wasn't properly balanced, maybe the workouts not hard enough. Look into a nutritional consult and meet with a trainer   Did you know that a nutritional consult with a dietitian may be covered by your health benefits? Look into it! 

6. Women: "I don't want to get big and bulky by lifting weights" 
    *eye roll* I hear this one a lot and as much as I hate to say, I used to say it too!  Lifting weights will never make you "big and bulky!" Poor diet and no exercise will make you big and bulky!  Women especially want to get toned, but to achieve that, weights are needed. Women do not have the hormones naturally to build muscle like a man. So, therefore, lifting weights and proper diet will not make you look like a dude. You will look healthier, more fit version of you!

... And lastly...

7.  "I don't know where to start"
      This one is simple; just start somewhere! If you've never been active, start going for a half hour walk a few times a week.  Want to gain some muscle, head to the weight room.  Unsure of how to even begin, meet with a trainer or a dietitian and they can direct you in the best direction to go based on your current situation.  Try a class or go with a friend or your significant other.  The first step is deciding you're going to do it and the second is actually doing it.  The second step is what is really important.

In the end, all this boils down to is how bad do you want it?! Make fitness and health a priority in your life, it's ok to be a bit selfish and put yourself first.  If anything, your family and friends will thank you for it in the end.

Do you need help getting started?  Contact me today!


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