Yesterday I wrote about how I am reaching a plateau in my fitness journey. I've read up on plateaus lately, and found out the signs of them and why they happen ( see yesterday's blog ). I've discovered that fitness or weight loss plateaus are a real thing that happens to everyone. In yesterday's blog, I wrote about how I am currently feeling frustrated and stuck. A friend commented on my Facebook page that I shouldn't be viewing this as a bad thing, that it should be viewed as "being on the brink of another exciting improvement!" I really like the way he looks at it. So I need to change my mindset. Instead of being flustered about it, I just need to see this as a great challenge. And I like challenges, I get to use my stubbornness for something good! So I did some more reading and researching yesterday on how to break through this plateau. From most of the information I've read, the trick to them would be trying to recognize them...