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25 Life Tips For Young Women

I realize that being in my 20's still, I am not exactly considered to be a wise and old person.  However, I consider myself to be mature-ish for my age.  It helped to have older siblings who were getting in trouble and grounded so I would learn what not to do!

That being said, I thought I would compile a list of advice for young girls my age and even younger.  Things I would tell my own daughter someday.  Some of these I figured out myself and some of these I learned the hard way.

Tips for young women

1.  Ease up on the makeup
      I realize that this seems to be absurd for a lot of people, but trust me!  I know that makeup is fun to play with and its fun to play dress up and get dolled up, I even enjoy it too!  I'm not saying to not wear makeup but don't forget to give your skin a break from it once in a while.  You will be surprised at how much your skin will improve when you wear less, or heaven forbid, go without!

2.  Your high school sweetheart relationship might not last
       This one I had to learn the hard way.  When you graduate high school, it is the beginning of your life as an adult.  You will likely go to different schools, have new friends and experiences.  It is not the end of the world; if it doesn't work, it just doesn't work.  If you want it to last, you're going to have to work at it!

3.  Learn to cook!
      This is very important!  You will live on your own one day, and you're going to get tired of takeout and instant macaroni (or KD if you're in Canada!).  Experiment and try making different things.  Try pasta, baking, cooking a roast!  You will be surprised by your own skills and it is awesome to cook a meal for someone you love!

4.  Learn to do your own laundry
       Mom is not going to help you forever.  Learn what needs to be dry cleaned, wash your own bras and be wary of stuff that will shrink!

5.  Life isn't fair
     Sorry, but not sorry!  Again, had to learn this one the hard way.  You'll work really hard for something and in a moment it will be ripped out from under you.  You will be hit with shit storms, but you'll be tougher and smarter because of it.

6.  Lifting weights will not make you look like a man
      I've said it before, I'll say it again and I will continue to say it!  If you want to look toned and shapely, hit that weight rack!

7.  Your metabolism is good right now, but it won't always be
      Again-sorry, not sorry; see #5.  Your metabolism changes as you age and that is fine, you just have to change with it.

8.  Vegetables are your friends.... and food!
      I can't stress this enough, eat more veggies!  Veggies are so full of antioxidants, fibre, nutrients and vitamins.  They will make you healthier, regulate blood sugar, make your skin better and improve your immune system.  Listen to your mom and eat your veggies!

9.  Those daily lattes, cupcakes, late night pizzas, etc will catch up with you
      I am not saying to cut all the joy out of your life, I am saying to have in moderation.  Even if your bad eating habits don't show on the outside, the accumulation over the next few years can make a difference on the inside.  Remember, you are what you eat!

10.  Take your makeup off every night before bed
       I know at the end of the day, you're tired and you don't want to spend the extra time in the bathroom washing the makeup off your face.  However, just do it.  It will be better for your skin to take all that off before hitting the sheets.  Also, mascara is a pain to get out of pillowcases!

11.  Do something that scares you.
        Whether its something extreme like sky-diving or not so extreme such as asking someone out or travelling by yourself.  Just do it, even if you fail, you'll get a great story out of it!  Except for sky-diving, I am pretty sure you don't want to take any chances with that.

12.  Take a self-defence class!
      I cannot stress the importance of this enough!  You might live on your own, it might be in a new city where you don't know anyone.  You need to learn to defend yourself if you get stuck in a bad situation.  Take the class with a friend or your mom or sisters, it will be a blast and you'll learn a life-saving skill!

13.  Take a first aid/CPR course
        You will never know when you will need this.  You may need it for work, you may need it for yourself or a loved one.  It's a good thing to have and it also looks great on a resume.  Also, ask your boss, your job may pay for you to get certified.

14.  Dump that guy
       You know what guy I am talking about!  That guy that pretends like you don't exist until he wants something from you.  That guy who won't meet your friends or family.  That guy who jumps around from job to job didn't graduate high school.  Sure he is cute and you think you can change him; you won't; he is an ass, dump him!

15.  Go to the doctor- and listen to him/her!
      Listen, unless you're studying to be a doctor, you're not a doctor!  They are much smarter than you so listen to them  If you confused or don't understand something, then ask them! It is your life and it is their job to help you so you can be healthy.  Don't be afraid to ask them questions, even the gross ones!

16.  Don't put anything on social media that you wouldn't want your boss, grandma or mom to see!
       Better yet, add grandma to your Facebook so she can keep you in check- trust me, she will (Hi Nan!) Also, check your privacy settings because when you go for a job, guess who is going to be checking out all your social media profiles?!  If you're going to put last Friday nights shot fest on Facebook, at least keep it private!

17.  Listen to how you talk.
     And I mean really listen!  If you say the word "like" too much or drop the F-Bomb every other word and talk like everything is a question?! Then you really need to stop and change your tone, it doesn't sound very professional and no one will take you seriously.  Talk like a person, not Siri.

18.  Try in school
    Really, actually try.  Eventually, you're going to be paying out the ass for a university class that is based on "stuff you learned in high school" and you're going to wish that you actually attended high school and learned how to factor that polynomial or paid attention in Biology.

19.  Spend more time with your family
     Coming from experience, just do it.  Go see your grandparents and have dinner with them.  One day they won't be there and you'll wish that you spend more time with them.  Also, go see your mom and dad and show them what a bad-ass grow up they've raised.

20. Stand up for yourself.
      No, you don't have to be a bitch.  But being a push-over and doing things you don't want to because you're afraid of being liked is not ok.  If you feel like a friend, boss, coworker or boyfriend is taking advantage of you, say something.  Never belittle yourself to make someone else comfortable.

21. Make a conscious effort to be on time. 
       Sometimes traffic really is that bad, sometimes there is a snow storm and you're going to be late.  But don't make it a habit.  Set yourself an alarm for when you need to leave the house and be on time.  Showing up on time for work or an event shows you really actually want to be there and makes you more likely to get the next one!

22.  Apply for THAT job.
       That job or promotion you want is really just an application away.  Unhappy with your current job?  Find something else!  Being miserable for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week is a terrible way to live your life.  Go get that job you really want and stop worrying about whats going to happen at your current job, no one is that irreplaceable.

23.  Learn to have fun without booze
       Do I sound like your mom yet?  Not saying you need to give up on alcohol or going to parties, but life can be enjoyable and fun without booze-fuelled hangover every Sunday.  Try being the DD for your next girls night or do something on Friday that doesn't involve 8 shots of tequila and a serious headache the next day. 

24. Stop belittling other women and lift each other up.
      Instead of writing a bitchy comment on Facebook or spreading a rumour that your coworker got her new promotion because she's sleeping with the boss, try saying "Good For You!"  Then go work hard on your own life instead of belittling hers to make yourself feel better.  Try cheering for other women.  We are much better and stronger together than we are divided. 

25.  Don't take yourself so seriously
      Just don't, its life, that's the way it is

                                       Here are some pictures of me throughout my life!


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