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How to Stop Wasting Time at the Gym & Get Your Workouts Done!

Just like most people, you have limited time for the gym.  Between work, kids, spouse, hobbies, friends, family, and maybe the occasional shut-eye- it's hard to think about scheduling over an hour every day for the gym.  It doesn't have to be this way!

I hear all the time from people that they would like to get to the gym but they simply "don't have the time!"
There is this crazy idea that you need to spend a stupendous amount of time in the gym every day to get fit.  You can easily make drastic improvements to your health and fitness with quick and concise workouts.

Here are some tips to get in and get your workout done without wasting time!

1.  Plan ahead and prepare!
       Whether you plan to workout before or after work, you can plan ahead.  Put your clothes aside, prepare a pre/post workout snack and put them where you know where they are.  Better yet, throw them in your gym bag and leave it by the door.

2.  Plan your workouts ahead of time.
       Are you getting the idea of planning ahead yet?  Writing out what you want to do for your workout saves some serious time.  Instead of thinking what to do next on the fly, you'll know what to do.  That being said, be sure to have some backup exercises in mind just in case the bench or machine you want to use is in use.

       If you have to, leave your phone in your locker!  You can do without it for your workout.  If you need your phone for music or to follow your workouts, then bring it but put it in airplane mode and connect to WiFi if you need to.  Still not possible, try the next tip!

4.  Time your rests
        The rest period between sets is usually the biggest time waster.  What you think is only a minute rest is usually actually 2 or 3, especially if you're texting!  Make a habit of setting a timer on your phone or watch for 1 minute between sets.  When the timer dings, back to work!

5.  Compound exercises that work for more than one muscle group.
        Exercises that work more than one muscle group are not only challenging, but help kill two birds with one stone!  Think of compound movements like the squat press, overhead walking lunges, Turkish get-ups, etc.  (for more ideas, click HERE)

6.  Supersets & Circuits
       Supersets are when you move from one exercise to another, for example, you do a set of 10 bicep curls then without stopping go to a set of 10 weighted squats.
     Circuits are done during a set time and you try to get in as many reps of the exercise as possible.  For example, you'll do 30 seconds of bicep curls, then 30 seconds of squats with timed rest periods.
Whichever you choose, quickly moving from one exercise to another in the form of supersets or circuit training will help reduce the time it takes to do your workout and keep the intensity high the whole time!  Double win!

7.  Schedule your workouts in
      It sounds silly, but if you have a jam-packed schedule, it's hard to foresee your workouts fitting in.  Therefore, take a look at your weekly calendar, and actually schedule it in.  Put it in where you can, yes even if it is early in the morning!  Get it in and get it done!

8.  Workout at home
      If you struggle to make it to the gym, you don't have to!  Make yourself a space at home so you can get your workouts in.  No need to get into the cold car early in the morning to head to the gym or dragging your butt in there after work.  Just get it done at home!
    You can easily do an at home, minimal equipment workout that is high intensity and effective.  If you need some ideas for no equipment workouts, click HERE  to contact me and I will send you a free no equipment workout to try!

9.  Get an accountability partner/coach.
      Having someone to be accountable to during your workouts will means you will actually show up and get it done.  That being said, make sure it is someone that you can work with, not just chat with! Not interested in working out with a friend or worried about spending more time gabbing that working out; get a trainer!  A personal trainer will help keep you on track and design workouts to fit in your time schedule.  It gives a double win.  Someone to be accountable to, and someone to keep you on track!

There you have some tips to keep yourself on track so you can get in and get your workouts done without wasting time!


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