When I first started working out, I honestly had no idea how to get started. I didn't know what workouts to do, what foods to eat if I should do cardio or more weights, how often I should go to the gym; my questions went on and on. Through a lot of trials and a bit of error; starting & stopping; eating healthy and eating garbage, I finally brought myself to now. Now that I've been doing this seriously for the past few years and take this on as my career, I always tell people I wished I started years before. I wish back then, I would have just committed to it, rather than spend 4-5 years of on and off working out and getting nowhere! As a personal trainer, I hear all the time from people that they want to start working out and eating better, but they don't know how or where to start. With all the information out there on the internet and most of it is contradicting, it's hard to find out what really works. Do you cut out gluten? Eat more protein? Eat few...