It's been some time since I started going to the gym consistently and completely overhauled my entire lifestyle. I've learned so much along the way about myself, gym life, working out, etc. I remember when I first started I was so intimidated by the gym and I have definitely learned some great lessons along the way.
I also was thinking of if I could go back and give "past me" any tips about what to expect, what would I say. So I thought I'd write a list and put it out for everyone.
Here is my list of fitness truths and tips for any woman (or person) starting at the gym.
1. Gyms aren't really that intimidating.
I used to hate going into the weight room. It always kind of smelled like a dude and it was daunting not really knowing how or what equipment to use. After I forced myself into it and did more research, I found it actually isn't scary after all. Unless you're trying to beat a big powerlifting guy to the bench press before he gets there!
2. Find a good sports bra!
I don't think all women understand the super importance of a good sports bra. Personally, I have a small chest, so thankfully I don't need several sports bras to keep what little I have "in". That being said, I am not a fan of the dinky little sports bras with teeny little straps. NO thank you, give me something that will hold my chest in until kingdom come, no wardrobe malfunctions allowed!
3. Be wary of the curse of the see-through leggings
Coming from personal experience, just get the good quality leggings that won't show your pink and black with hearts underwear. If you're not convinced, read about my personal humiliation here!
4. The "girls" will be the first to shrink
Sorry girls, this is a brutal truth that even with a small chest, I still suffered! Your boobs hold a lot of fat, so when you start losing weight and body fat, so does your boobs! But if you do some good chest exercises, it will help develop the muscles underneath them, which can help keep them "up" so to speak!
5. Your ass will be the last place to shrink!
I've read and understood personally that the hardest place to lose weight for a girl is around the hip and butt area. I don't know why, but it seems that losing body fat on around your hips and butt is difficult. I recommend offsetting it by building the muscles bigger! Squats and deadlifts all day!
6. You can't "spot train" to lose body fat in one place.
It is backed by science, you cannot just lose fat from one area and not another. For example, you cannot lose fat from your abdomen and not your chest. When you lose fat, your body does not pick and choose where it loses fat from, it loses from all over. So don't do thousands of sit-ups in hopes of losing fat from just your belly. You should work your whole body and keep your diet in check and you'll start to lose it from everywhere in time.
7. Weights are a girl's real best friend!
I cannot stress this enough... Ladies, weight training will not make you look like a man or the hulk or those scary body building chicks you see on the internet. It will instead help you lose body fat, increase your metabolism, build curves, make you stronger and badass!
8. Boob sweat and "swass" are a thing.
Yep, I know, gross! However, it is something that will happen to all of us! For some of our bigger chested girls, I have heard of using deodorant on your boobs, which I could see helping. Personally, I say "don't sweat it!" You see what I did there right!? In closing, just accept that you're going to have boob sweat, ass sweat and inner thigh sweat if you're blessed with thunder thighs like I am!
9. Don't wear makeup to the gym
I realize for some, not wearing makeup may be out of the comfort zone. But, this is important for a couple reasons. First, when you sweat, the makeup will be ruined and run down your face. Secondly, once the sweat settles on your face, it can lead to clogged pores and acne. Personally, I would remove any makeup or go minimal before hitting the gym to avoid issues!
10. The gym is always busy between 4-7pm
This is more of an FYI, if you are planning on going to the gym after work between 4-7 pm, it will be busy! For me, I hate it when the gym is busy, I don't like fighting people for a bench or squat rack, so that is why I still prefer to go in the morning.
11. People will not judge you for trying to get healthy and fit.
I've heard this so much, especially with women. We are so concerned about what others will think when we step foot in the gym that it keeps us from going?! That doesn't make any sense. Everyone at the gym all has a common goal in mind, to work out so we can live better, healthier lives. So please, do not be embarrassed, and read the link from #3 to help cure those feelings.
12. Don't be afraid to go on your own.
Some people like to go to the gym because it is a social thing for them, and I get it. You can meet up with your girlfriends and hang out for an hour exercising. Be careful with who you choose as your workout partner, some people may not be as serious as you are and just want to chat or they want to go for a run while you want to lift weights. Don't be afraid to venture out on your own and discover what you like to do at the gym!
13. Ask for help
It never hurts to get help if you are unsure of what to do at the gym. Whether that be asking someone how to use a machine or even enlisting a personal trainer to help you get to your goals. Someone to make sure you're doing exercises properly and can show you the best way to do things can really make a huge difference in your experience.
My final tip- Be your own hero!

I also was thinking of if I could go back and give "past me" any tips about what to expect, what would I say. So I thought I'd write a list and put it out for everyone.
Here is my list of fitness truths and tips for any woman (or person) starting at the gym.
1. Gyms aren't really that intimidating.
I used to hate going into the weight room. It always kind of smelled like a dude and it was daunting not really knowing how or what equipment to use. After I forced myself into it and did more research, I found it actually isn't scary after all. Unless you're trying to beat a big powerlifting guy to the bench press before he gets there!
2. Find a good sports bra!
I don't think all women understand the super importance of a good sports bra. Personally, I have a small chest, so thankfully I don't need several sports bras to keep what little I have "in". That being said, I am not a fan of the dinky little sports bras with teeny little straps. NO thank you, give me something that will hold my chest in until kingdom come, no wardrobe malfunctions allowed!
3. Be wary of the curse of the see-through leggings
Coming from personal experience, just get the good quality leggings that won't show your pink and black with hearts underwear. If you're not convinced, read about my personal humiliation here!
4. The "girls" will be the first to shrink
Sorry girls, this is a brutal truth that even with a small chest, I still suffered! Your boobs hold a lot of fat, so when you start losing weight and body fat, so does your boobs! But if you do some good chest exercises, it will help develop the muscles underneath them, which can help keep them "up" so to speak!
5. Your ass will be the last place to shrink!
I've read and understood personally that the hardest place to lose weight for a girl is around the hip and butt area. I don't know why, but it seems that losing body fat on around your hips and butt is difficult. I recommend offsetting it by building the muscles bigger! Squats and deadlifts all day!
6. You can't "spot train" to lose body fat in one place.
It is backed by science, you cannot just lose fat from one area and not another. For example, you cannot lose fat from your abdomen and not your chest. When you lose fat, your body does not pick and choose where it loses fat from, it loses from all over. So don't do thousands of sit-ups in hopes of losing fat from just your belly. You should work your whole body and keep your diet in check and you'll start to lose it from everywhere in time.
7. Weights are a girl's real best friend!
I cannot stress this enough... Ladies, weight training will not make you look like a man or the hulk or those scary body building chicks you see on the internet. It will instead help you lose body fat, increase your metabolism, build curves, make you stronger and badass!
8. Boob sweat and "swass" are a thing.
Yep, I know, gross! However, it is something that will happen to all of us! For some of our bigger chested girls, I have heard of using deodorant on your boobs, which I could see helping. Personally, I say "don't sweat it!" You see what I did there right!? In closing, just accept that you're going to have boob sweat, ass sweat and inner thigh sweat if you're blessed with thunder thighs like I am!
9. Don't wear makeup to the gym
I realize for some, not wearing makeup may be out of the comfort zone. But, this is important for a couple reasons. First, when you sweat, the makeup will be ruined and run down your face. Secondly, once the sweat settles on your face, it can lead to clogged pores and acne. Personally, I would remove any makeup or go minimal before hitting the gym to avoid issues!
10. The gym is always busy between 4-7pm
This is more of an FYI, if you are planning on going to the gym after work between 4-7 pm, it will be busy! For me, I hate it when the gym is busy, I don't like fighting people for a bench or squat rack, so that is why I still prefer to go in the morning.
11. People will not judge you for trying to get healthy and fit.
I've heard this so much, especially with women. We are so concerned about what others will think when we step foot in the gym that it keeps us from going?! That doesn't make any sense. Everyone at the gym all has a common goal in mind, to work out so we can live better, healthier lives. So please, do not be embarrassed, and read the link from #3 to help cure those feelings.
12. Don't be afraid to go on your own.
Some people like to go to the gym because it is a social thing for them, and I get it. You can meet up with your girlfriends and hang out for an hour exercising. Be careful with who you choose as your workout partner, some people may not be as serious as you are and just want to chat or they want to go for a run while you want to lift weights. Don't be afraid to venture out on your own and discover what you like to do at the gym!
13. Ask for help
It never hurts to get help if you are unsure of what to do at the gym. Whether that be asking someone how to use a machine or even enlisting a personal trainer to help you get to your goals. Someone to make sure you're doing exercises properly and can show you the best way to do things can really make a huge difference in your experience.
My final tip- Be your own hero!

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