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Things Your Personal Trainer Wants You to Know

Over the years of being a personal trainer, I've worked with dozens of people, each of them needing their own custom programs, and coaching.  Each with a goal in their heart that was theirs alone and needing my help.
Although each of these people are so different in their own ways, over time you start to have common themes, conversations and issues come up. When I talk to other trainers, they also find that they have similar conversations, issues and themes brought up between their different clients.  There are things when I will discuss with other trainers that we share the same thoughts that we just wish that our clients knew.  Things we want to tell each of them to help them understand where we are coming from and how we want to help them succeed.

So I've compiled that list.  A list of things we as personal trainers want you, our clients to know.  A list that I want to send to each of my current, past and future clients.  

Here it is, the 10 things your personal trainer wants you to know!

1. You're not being consistent or patient enough
        Yes, I know you've been working hard with me in the gym. I know that you have big goals, and you're anxious to see big results to know that the hard work you've been putting in is paying off.  But if it's been 2 weeks and you're worried you haven't lost weight yet, you need to be patient and focus on your consistency.  
If you have given it some time, and aren't seeing the results you're searching for, you might not be as consistent as you think you have been.  Alternatively, if you swear you are doing everything right, but the results aren't as fast as you want, you need to be more patient.  
    I can honestly say I have had to give the "be consistent and patient" speech to every single one of my clients, and some multiple times.  I don't have a crystal ball and I can't exactly predict how long it will take, but you need to stay on course and keep being consistent and patient and I promise results will come!  

2. Don't try and overcomplicate things to "speed up" the process.
    This goes along with being consistent and patient.  Although you might know you need to be patient and consistent, it's still human nature to try and find a faster way of doing things.  That's why we have cellphones and Amazon because we want it NOW!  Unfortunately, weight loss doesn't work that way.  We can't Amazon Prime our weight loss results.  
I get questions about what about this supplement, or what if I cut out this food group or use fat burners to get faster results?  Every time, I am honest with my clients.  Adding in useless supplements or trying to overcomplicate things just adds to your frustration and empties your pockets faster.  Trust me in the process and put your energy into consistency and patience (see #1).

3. Communicate with us!
    When I have clients not checking in and not communicating with me, it can start to frustrate me.  It frustrates me because I work hard to hold up to my client's expectations and always make sure I am available for them anytime they need me, which is why they hired me.  But if you aren't communicating with me, I can't help you through this process  I need you to check in with me, talk to me, ask me questions, tell me what you're having a hard time with.  This relationship and your results depend on your open and honest communication with me.  If you drop off the face of the earth and don't communicate with me, I can't help you.  Which leads me to #4.  

4. Share your struggles.
    I don't care if you're having a shit week, haven't worked out, ate KFC every day or you're stressed to the max and are having a hard time with things.  I want you to tell me because how can I help you if I don't know what's going on in your life?  When I feel my clients slipping off track, it's usually due to some outside stress of work, life, kids, etc and if they don't tell me what's going on, I can't help.  Even if you're struggling with the workouts or nutrition, tell me so I can do my part to fix it and help you!

5. You are not disappointing us.
    This goes with the above. When my clients get totally off track, they stop answering my check-ins and seemingly drop off the face of the earth.  When I do finally get a hold of them, they reveal they fell off track and felt embarrassed so they didn't check in because they felt they were disappointing me.  DUDE!! I'll say it 100 times, I am here to help you.  I am always in your corner and this journey is not easy, which is why I am here for you.  I expect that sometimes you will fall off track and struggle, we all do, and it's totally common and OK!  You are not disappointing me by falling off track, it's so common and this is why I do what I do, I help people.

6. We are only with you a couple hours a week.
    By this I mean, I usually see my clients on average 2 sessions per week, the rest of the 166 hours a week, I am not by your side.  It is up to you to put in the work for your results.  I can give you the most amazing workout and nutrition plan, guidance, accountability check-ins, etc, but at the end of the day, it is up to you and the work you put in for your results.  I can't force you to workout when I'm not there nor can I force you to put vegetables on your plate.  You need to do these things on your own if you want to see results and keep them!

7. More isn't always better.
    Doing 14 workouts a week is not going to get you to your results faster.  Throwing out the slight calorie deficit I gave you and instead you decide to eat 800 calories a day thinking you'll lose weight faster is NOT going to help.  Sure, doing 4 workouts a week instead of 2 is great, but after a certain point, there is such thing as too much.  Going extreme to get your results will only exhaust you and lead you to burn out, where you will lose all your progress.  Slow and steady wins the race friend!

8. Eat before your workouts
    This is another conversation I've had with every single one of my clients.  It usually happens halfway through a training session when they ask to sit for a minute because they feel light-headed and sick to their stomach.  Then I ask, "What did you eat before coming here?" And they sheepishly say "Nothing, I had no time".  DUDE! No, wrong!  You need energy for your workouts, you don't need a heavy meal, but some form of fuel prior to a workout.  There's always time to grab something quick and eat it on the way to the gym, a banana for Pete's sake is perfect. Most of my clients will only do this once before learning their lesson the hard way.  Don't come to the gym on an empty stomach. 

9. We don't care how out of shape you are.
    I've had people say to me that they want to start personal training, but they want to get in better shape or lose weight before starting.  Huh?!  You know that is literally my job right?  Look, when we start working together, I don't care how out of shape or overweight you are, what you look like or that you get winded going up a flight of 3 stairs. Because we all start somewhere.  I care that you are taking steps in improving your health and I care that I will help you reach your goals safely.  Don't be embarrassed because you're starting, be proud of yourself you are taking ACTION for your goals, and let me help you.

10. Stop saying "I can't"
    When you're working towards weight loss or any other fitness goals, it's going to require you to challenge yourself.  Sometimes challenging yourself is uncomfortable.  But by saying "I can't" for every single thing I ask you to do is only making excuses for yourself.  You will never know what you can actually do if you don't try.  
This of course has limits, if something is legitimately painful, then you need to speak up because that way I can modify or change what we are doing.  But if you're saying "I can't" because it's hard or a little difficult, I want you to try.  

There you have, the 10 things I want every client to know.  I hate it when trainers give up on people and berate them for falling off track or even worse, shaming them for where they might be starting.  We are in the business of helping YOU and yes it is our job to keep you accountable, but it is our job to help you, not shame you.
  At the end of the day, what I really want my clients to know is I am always in their corner.  I genuinely love helping people find what works for them and succeed in their goals.  

A little personal trainer humour!

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