I thought I would give a fun little list to 10 facts about me related to fitness! So here they are! 1. I am not a long distance runner! I am not a fan of long distance running. For me, long distance is really anything over 10k. I don't even think I could run 10km, 5-7 would be my max! I like short distance where I can see the endpoint. Since I injured my knee and have had to have (multiple) surgeries, running has been taken off my list of things to do, but I am ok with that. 2. I hate burpees with a passion! I'm pretty sure that whoever invented burpees used it as a mid-evil torture move. I mean, you would never think that jumping up and going down would be so exhausting, but it is. Burpees are terrible and if you say you like them, you are crazy and need your brain fixed! 3. I tend to zone out in the gym and stare at people.... sometimes they make it weird. ...