I thought I would give a fun little list to 10 facts about me related to fitness! So here they are!
1. I am not a long distance runner!
I am not a fan of long distance running. For me, long distance is really anything over 10k. I don't even think I could run 10km, 5-7 would be my max! I like short distance where I can see the endpoint. Since I injured my knee and have had to have (multiple) surgeries, running has been taken off my list of things to do, but I am ok with that.
2. I hate burpees with a passion!
I'm pretty sure that whoever invented burpees used it as a mid-evil torture move. I mean, you would never think that jumping up and going down would be so exhausting, but it is. Burpees are terrible and if you say you like them, you are crazy and need your brain fixed!
3. I tend to zone out in the gym and stare at people.... sometimes they make it weird.
Sometimes I am just tired or focused on something and I zone out completely staring at someone. I don't mean to, it just happens. I once zoned out staring at a lady at the gym, I didn't realize what I was doing until she awkwardly asked me if I was ok. I was so embarrassed I had to pretend like I needed to do a workout on the other side of the gym and ran over there as quickly as I could. If I zone out staring at you, please don't make it awkward... just walk away!
4. I secretly love yoga!
I really love the idea of being super, freaky flexible. I do like to do yoga, I just find between all of the other stuff I do, I rarely have time for it. I find it relaxing and it makes me feel like I could be flexible. I also really want to be able to do a handstand!
5. I am much better at Ju Jitsu when I am in a really good mood.... which doesn't happen a lot!
I've found that if I am in a cranky mood and I go to Ju Jitsu, it does cheer me up. Sometimes, I just can't perform as well as I want and I get really cranky about it. If I am in a bad mood, I don't think very rationally and I start to lose my cool because I am messing up. But when I am in a good mood, I think much better and relax more, therefore I fight better.
6. I have inner conversations with myself when I am fighting.
I am sure it is normal to think things through and try to plan out what you want to do when you fight. It may or may not normal to have full conversations with yourself while grappling. I find I like to talk myself through what I am doing; and if I screw up, it sometimes leads to an inner yelling match with myself!
7. I am not a good swimmer!
I think I have touched on this a few times. I was not genetically gifted to swim! I am sure if I really wanted to get better at it, I could. I just hate putting my face in the water, I can't ever get the rhythm down for breathing and I hate getting my hair wet! Don't get me wrong, I like to go to the pool and hang out and goof around, but swimming laps to me are worse than doing burpees (see #2).
8. I am terrible at skating and hockey!
I know I am blowing every Canadian girl stereotype there is out there, but I am terrible at hockey and skating for that matter! I like to watch the game and can appreciate it as a sport, but I am just not good at it! We used to play shinny all the time growing up, and I always have been terrible at it. I would use the stick for keeping my balance more than actually use it to play hockey.
9. I am very clumsy.
They say that if you workout more, your body becomes more coordinated which makes everyday activities easier. However, that is only true to an extent for me! I am probably the clumsiest person I know. I drop shit all the time, I run into stuff like tables, doorways; I trip on flat ground when no one is around; its terrible! I almost always have a bruise on one of my ass cheeks because I run into corners of tables with it so much.
10. I listen to a lot of Britney Spears and cheesy pop music when I do cardio!
Don't you judge me! Once a Brit fan, always a Brit fan! "Its Britney, Bitch!"
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