I'd like to take this time to write about why I am here and what kind of a "fitness person" I am. Meaning the things I do, don't do and what I am not willing to compromise on. Also, what kind of a trainer I am and what things I do for my clients.
I think I'll do it in my favourite form which is point form! I would not describe myself as a "typical" person when it comes to fitness. I don't follow fads, I do what works and makes sense while I can still live my life.
So here it goes!
1. I lift weights as my main form of fitness, not little baby weights either.
I am sure its pretty obvious by now, I love to lift heavy. I love to be able to continually push myself to do more weight or reps or sets, provided it is done with proper form. It is proven that increased muscle mass leads to a better fat loss, increased calorie burn and better ageing for your joints. So I lift!
2. I am a certified personal trainer trough CanFit Pro.
3. I don't like cardio, but I do it because it's necessary for my sport.
With the martial arts training, I do including ju jitsu/kickboxing, etc, having cardio is important so you don't gas out halfway through a fight or training session. Therefore, most of my cardio training is done through those sports.
4. My programs I make for people match my style of training.
5. I refuse to sell shakes, programs and "coach" for companies that don't jive with my own beliefs.
6. I don't eat organic and I am Pro GMO's!
7. I believe in science!
8. I grew up on a dairy and beef farm, I know what's in my food.
9. I don't follow any diet "trends".
10. I struggle with motivation sometimes for my workouts and eating healthy just as much as anyone else.
2. I am a certified personal trainer trough CanFit Pro.
Yes, I actually hold a personal training certificate so when I call myself a trainer, it means I actually withhold a credible certification, provide insurance, all those things.
3. I don't like cardio, but I do it because it's necessary for my sport.
With the martial arts training, I do including ju jitsu/kickboxing, etc, having cardio is important so you don't gas out halfway through a fight or training session. Therefore, most of my cardio training is done through those sports.
4. My programs I make for people match my style of training.
I wouldn't recommend workouts that I wouldn't do myself. If people are wanting me to be their coach, I would only assume they want workouts I would actually do. Therefore...
5. I refuse to sell shakes, programs and "coach" for companies that don't jive with my own beliefs.
I have been approached and asked to coach for some recognizable companies, but I refuse to sell someone else's workouts that I would never do myself. I also would never promote a diet lifestyle that I don't believe in and I simply can not morally sell shakes or supplements that are garbage and against what I know and do. Which leads to the next, and possibly the craziest point.
6. I don't eat organic and I am Pro GMO's!
Say what?! Yeah, organic is a fad and GMO's are good for the world. You can't tell me that organic juice boxes and organic chips are any healthier for you. It's a great marketing gimmick that sells to clueless people everywhere.
It's been studied & proven many times that conventional veggies, fruits and proteins are just as healthy, if not contain more nutrients than the overpriced "organic" foods. Also hence why I would never sell any shakes or proteins that claim to be organic and non-GMO. This also brings me to my next point.
7. I believe in science!
I'm sorry but your "opinions" and personal experiences do not refute actual, factual, studied science that was conducted by science-y people that are much smarter than me that even have Doctorate degrees and stuff.
The best part about science is, it is what it is. For examples, water is always made with two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and vaccines prevent disease; doesn't matter what your opinion is- it's facts! Facts don't change- no matter what your opinion is.
8. I grew up on a dairy and beef farm, I know what's in my food.
I actually know the process of how my food gets to my plate. There aren't antibiotics in your meat or dairy, they do very careful testing to make sure of this and there are withdrawal periods after an animal has been treated when you cannot use them for production.
Yes, there are "hormones" given to animals sometimes that are used help with growth, but they are less than what's in a slice of bread or tofu. For example, in 3oz of hormone-treated steak, there are approx 1.9 nanograms of estrogen; for comparison, in 3oz of cabbage, there are approx 2000 nanograms of estrogen. Besides those numbers, when you ingest that small amount of estrogen, your body digests it and neutralizes it, therefore not hurting you what so ever! Quit falling for the gimmicks and eat your steak!
9. I don't follow any diet "trends".
I live by the 80-20 rule because I still love cheese and beer. Your body needs food and I am a food lover. I refuse to follow any food trend that cuts out any food groups. I eat food I like and I do try to make healthier versions of foods I love so I can have them when I want to, but I still indulge in the real thing on treat days or I do my best to portion what I want and eat some veggies. I don't beat myself up over eating pizza because its all apart of life.. So yes, I still eat hotdogs, pizza and even have the occasional Coke (gasp!).
10. I struggle with motivation sometimes for my workouts and eating healthy just as much as anyone else.
The difference is that I rely on my discipline to get the job done when I'm lacking motivation. I am aiming to live this as a lifelong journey. I'm looking at a marathon, rather than a short sprint.
So there it all is point blank. I don't follow trends which maybe makes me a bad "fitness" person. I will tell it like it is. I can't sell products, workouts or a lifestyle that I don't believe in or can obtain myself. I want people to see that I am not always perfect and maybe that they will realize that they can obtain their goals too and don't have to be perfect either!

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