I'd like to take this time to write about why I am here and what kind of a "fitness person" I am. Meaning the things I do, don't do and what I am not willing to compromise on. Also, what kind of a trainer I am and what things I do for my clients. I think I'll do it in my favourite form which is point form! I would not describe myself as a "typical" person when it comes to fitness. I don't follow fads, I do what works and makes sense while I can still live my life. So here it goes! 1. I lift weights as my main form of fitness, not little baby weights either. I am sure its pretty obvious by now, I love to lift heavy. I love to be able to continually push myself to do more weight or reps or sets, provided it is done with proper form. It is proven that increased muscle mass leads to a better fat loss, increased calorie burn and better ageing for your joints . So I lift! 2. I am a certified persona...