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Showing posts from August, 2019

My Biggest Struggles

Being a personal trainer, it's literally my job to help people through their struggles in their journey's to achieve their weight loss and health goals. Sometimes when I talk to my clients, they are under the assumption that I was always fit and have never struggled with my own fitness journey. I've had the assumptions of "well it must be nice to not have struggled and just always be fit" Which couldn't be farther from the truth! The truth is, it wasn’t easy, my journey was full of ups and downs, as well as a lot of trial and error. I didn’t know what I was doing. I had some major struggles and things that I had to work on in my fitness journey. I thought I would share some of the biggest struggles I’ve had because I realize everyone can probably relate to them at some point or another. Struggle #1- I sucked at committing and consistency Yes, it's true. It took me a loonnnggg time to figure out how to actually commit to the process and stay consistent...