Motivation to stick to your workout regime is one of the biggest reasons why people fail. It's not that the workouts are ineffective, its that people have a hard time sticking to their program long term. Maybe this is/was you; you decide it's time, you’re going to workout and get fit. You get the home equipment or gym membership. You get cute clothes for the gym and you make it your mission! You are all excited and hit the gym for 2, maybe 3 weeks of hard working out. You feel great, tell all your friends about your new workout plan and how you’re working on a “new you”. Then, after a couple weeks, you think, man this is hard. Maybe you feel overtired from work and decide, I’ll skip for today, but I’ll go tomorrow! Tomorrow comes and going for drinks with the girls sounds WAY more appealing than the gym! Then the next day you just don’t feel like it, so you skip then too. Before you know it, two weeks have gone by since you’ve worked out and you t...