Confession: When I first started working out, I had no clue about how to even get started or what exercises to do. I was confused about working out, weight lifting, cardio, eating healthy, etc so I started to do a lot of digging. I followed weightlifting and muscle building pages on Facebook. I looked up exercise plans and ideas, healthy eating articles, recipes, etc. I read article after article about building muscle and benefits of weightlifting. I hate to admit now, but I was one of those girls who was worried that lifting weights would turn me into a she-hulk. That was until I started following some seriously inspirational women on social media like Nicole Wilkins, Pauline Nordin and Dana Linn Bailey. I realized that these women were strong, smart, powerful and badass- the type of person I aim to be. As boring as picking heavy stuff up and putting it down seems; it's really a sense of accomplishment. As time goes on, I can loo...