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Showing posts from April, 2017

Weight Lifting for Newbies

  Confession: When I first started working out, I had no clue about how to even get started or what exercises to do.  I was confused about working out, weight lifting, cardio, eating healthy, etc so I started to do a lot of digging.  I followed weightlifting and muscle building pages on Facebook.  I looked up exercise plans and ideas, healthy eating articles, recipes, etc.  I read article after article about building muscle and benefits of weightlifting. I hate to admit now, but I was one of those girls who was worried that lifting weights would turn me into a she-hulk.  That was until I started following some seriously inspirational women on social media like Nicole Wilkins, Pauline Nordin and Dana Linn Bailey.  I realized that these women were strong, smart, powerful and badass- the type of person I aim to be. As boring as picking heavy stuff up and putting it down seems; it's really a sense of accomplishment.  As time goes on, I can loo...

Forget the Fad Diet!

I read an article recently that reviewed some of the big fad diets there are out there today. The article discussed some of the pros and cons of each diet and explained the premise of each. All I could do at the end of the article was cringe !!  I can't believe some of the ludicrous, restrictive diets there are put there, and better yet, the amount of people that become a slave to these fads! I tried to look into the diets and see if any of them didn't follow some crazy restrictive plan.  Sadly, they all involve restricting at least one or more food groups. Paleo for example eliminates grains, legumes, and dairy; Keto followers can't have grains, fruits or potatoes; Dukans diet eliminates practically all carbs; Gluten free eliminates, well gluten; and the alkaline diet rids of dairy. There are also all the really crazy ones like the cabbage soup and the grapefruit diet, and they just sound horrendous.  There is also ultra-low fat diets that sound sad and raw diets are ...